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How to Use Rapid Authoring Tools to Engage a Remote Workforce

Rapid Authoring Tools

During the Novel Coronavirus crisis, organizations around the world are looking for ways to keep their now remote employees engaged and productive. Whether it is about the company’s regulatory compliance product updates, or adoption of new technology, e-Learning can reach out to all. The time is right for organizations to employ technology-enabled methods to engage with their employees, help them stay productive and to boost their morale. Modern LMS’s support robust e-Learning tools to develop engaging content. From short video to PowerPoint presentations, e-Learning authoring tools can improve the overall learning uptake. Organizations can further utilize rapid authoring tools to create on-demand training courses.

The robust e-Learning tools help to create training content as per the organization’s bespoke learning needs. Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, companies from different verticals are utilizing rapid authoring tools to respond to the sudden need to create engaging content to manage their remote employee training. Let us see how e-Learning tools help to develop training content that caters to the pertinent needs of the remote workforce:

  • Develop engaging content: During the global health crisis of Coronavirus, it becomes essential for organizations to deliver engaging training content to boost retention and productivity levels. Rapid learning tools enable the incorporation of interactive elements such as games, short quizzes, videos, animations, and more. By encouraging a high level of communication between the employee and the content, organizations can drive optimal results.
  • Repurpose existing content: e-Learning authoring tools are used to create and repurpose existing content, thereby mitigating overall cost and effort. In the current scenario, when organizations are looking for short and crisp training content for their remote workforce, the role of online authoring tools comes into place. Whether an image, presentation or video, organizations can reuse the same content and deliver in the desired format, thus engaging and upskilling their workforce.
  • Create targeted content: Rapid authoring tools are used to create self-assessment modules for employees as per their varied job roles, skills, and learning habits. So, this leads to motivating the remote workforce to identify their skills-gaps, set personalized learning paths, and accomplish business goals their way.

Organizations are quickly turning to online learning solutions in response to the current situation, to streamline their workforce training process and keep them productive. rapid authoring tools serve as a quick and viable solution for businesses that need to manage a remote workforce with a continuous learning experience.

Anubha Goel

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