It can not be an easy task for one person to work on the maintenance of legacy aircrafts on the one hand and service new models. But your MRO personnel are doing it. They are dealing with standardization issues of airframe manufacturers, which of course requires intricate understanding of each components and signing off on parts and whole aircrafts while at it.
One can only imagine how complex is the network of training and management that is required for the MRO personnel, but we, at GCube, did more than imagine. We researched the pain points that comes with a large, widespread, out-of-office employee base in a highly regulated industry like aviation.

Good news for you, we are here to tell you how customization of the Learning Management System (LMS) helped alleviate these challenges.
Creating a database of domain, roles and specialization
An LMS that has the critical capability to integrate with Human Resource Information Systems is then able to track the total number of on-rolls and contractual MRO personnel who are in the system, their areas of expertise and training/certification required from both knowledge upgrade and regulatory compliance perspectives.
Module creation based on tasks and auto assignment
The LMS which has the ability to integrate with work management systems through which tasks are assigned to MRO personnel, allows for modules for refreshers or new training, to be created. The moment a task is assigned in the work management system, the LMS can assign the training to the individuals as well.
Completion tracking and certification/recertification management
For a largely widespread employee base with diverse skills and specializations, tracking training completions and certification validity is a cumbersome task. This is where the right LMS becomes a partner in business by providing forecasts, alerts on upcoming certification expiries, assigning training and certification assessments automatically, and checking for compliance adherence or escalating through the hierarchy.
License management and tracking
For some job roles the MRO personnel need to get a license to be able to operate or repair certain machinery. The LMS that tracks information on available licenses, personnel trained and eligible to apply for a license, compliance records of these personnel and finally reminders for license expiry and renewals – is a blessing.
Providing critical work knowledge on-the-go
Organizations have multiple mode of dispensing knowledge of their own subject matter experts and also regulatory training material through online manuals, guides and even chat bots. Creating and serving these on-the-go to MRO personnel is easily managed with a mobile-friendly LMS.
Adhering to audit compliance guidelines
The right LMS for aviation provides the feature of read and sign by employees which gets stored in the system. When the time arrives for renewing their signature the LMS can automatically send the required reading material to the personnel once again. Not a feature you can do without when it comes to maintaining the requirements for audit compliance.
Reporting to the authorities
The DGCA and regulatory authorities demand disclosure of certification and compliance training, as well as any changes to any plans shared with them previously. Having an LMS that tracks any changes in course, venue, or trainer, along with the reasons for change and creates a report on-demand, makes it convenient for the organization to stay compliant to the requirements from the regulatory authorities.
MRO personnel carry a huge weight on their shoulders, and they will only thank you for making their lives easier by helping them stay on top of knowledge they must have and staying compliant to the regulatory mandates.
At GCube, we have 20 years of experience and 80+ industry awards in learning technologies. To know more about products and services, please do write to us.