e-Learning has completely transformed the concept of learning with introduction of plethora of training technologies such as WBT (Web-based training), CBT (computer-based training), ILT (instructor-led training), virtual classrooms, audio video conferencing and e-meetings. e-Learning offers several advantages over traditional training methods, such as reusability of training content, global availability of the training content with the help of the Internet, reduction in cost of rework in the training content; and environmental friendly as it requires minimal use of paper.
Conventional e-Learning methods require inputs from Instructional Designers (IDs), Graphic Designers (GDs), Action Scripters, and SMEs (Subject Matter Experts). The complete content development cycle, which includes analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation phases, therefore gets longer and costly. With rapid changes in business needs, time and cost play critical role in developing e-Learning content. For example, a company has only two weeks time to train its employees before the launch of its new product. Clearly, it would not opt for traditional e-Learning methods that would take more time to develop. The answer for such situations is a Rapid e-Learning.
Rapid e-Learning is the process of fast and inexpensive development of learning delivery content. Key characteristics of Rapid eLearning process are:
- Addressing urgent business needs such as product briefing, forthcoming business events, and training sessions
- Short course-development time spanning 3-4 weeks
- Use of pre-built templates such as Power point templates
- Active participation of SMEs
- Suited for applications which require less evaluation and synthesis
- Cost involved is approximately 20% of the traditional e-Learning budget
The above characteristics have given birth to a common myth – Rapid e-Learning requires less or no designing. However, this is not true. It is proved beyond doubt that designing is indispensable in creation of any e-Learning content. Therefore, adopting a particular eLearning model should be based on the business requirement and the fulfilling abilities of that model.
Contact us to view some of our Rapid e-Learning samples, and to discuss how you can make your e-Learning more effective and engaging.